Trip to Mam Tor and Edale in the Peak district <3

Hey all,

Been a while since I last did a blog, good to be back!

Anybody who knows me well knows I love a good day out/ trip away to somewhere I’ve never been before, and yesterdays trip to the peak district definitely didn’t disappoint! It’s been somewhere on my list to try for a while, and so glad I finally got round to going!

I decided to drive, as much quicker and easier then getting the train. Its around a two hour drive from Shrewsbury in Shropshire, and the drive is blessed with some lovely countryside views!

We decided on the Mam tor route, as this is one the most popular routes, and recommended the best one to start with. It is very easy to find the car park, I used google maps and had no issues. The car park is run by the national trust, meaning free parking if a member, woo!

The walk is quite challenging at times, as very uphill ( photos below). However, it is so worth it as rewarded with lovely views. We luckily had gorgeous sunny weather, which made the walk even better. Just a heads up, it can be very windy at the top though so a jumper is recommended!

The walk in total took us around 3 hours, but that was with a couple of stops! I recommend taking plenty of food and fluids for the walk as they will be needed due to the nature of the walk.

The walk is very easy to follow as its a circular walk, which makes it even better as less likely to get lost, especially as I can get lost very easily with my poor navigation skills!

Once we completed the mam tor walk, we decided to take a walk to Edale village which is another lovely walk and definitely recommend. We took a walk around the village, and did a bit of the walk on Pennine way. We only did a bit of this one as a long walk, and thought we would save that one for next time with how tired our legs were after!

If anyone is thinking of going to the Peak district and wondering where to visit, I definitely recommend giving these a go first as a good starting point 🙂 I know for sure I will be back to the peak district, and look forward to trying another one of there many walks!

Kayleigh xx

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

Hey all,

Hope you are all keeping well. It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here, but have really missed it so thought I would get back into it!

Todays topic I thought I would write about is all about feeling the fear, but deciding to go past the fear and doing it anyway! Some examples where I have done this recently include;

1)Going to the Maldives, even though the fear of flying so far was getting overwhelming

2) Starting therapy sessions where I’ve had to be honest with how I’m feeling

3) Being honest with my partner about how I’ve been feeling

4) Looking into booking a solo trip abroad ( something I’ve wanted to do for a long time!)

5) Changing jobs because my old job I hated and was draining

6) Signing up to a side hustle as a way of increasing my skills/ knowledge and getting extra money

7) Going for days out/ trips on my own when my friends/ family are busy

8) Doing a 10k run on my own

9) Signing up to a Jay Shetty workshop as a way of working positively on my personal development

10) training and signing up for a half marathon event

It can be very difficult but with the right amount of confidence and positive thinking, the things that scare us can be done! Would love to hear what yours are 🙂

Kayleigh ❤

Finding your purpose

Hey all!

Saw this quote today, and just wanted to share it will you all as it’s something that has really got me thinking. The quote was ‘wake up everyday, and say today I will find my purpose’. It got me thinking about what my purpose is in life, because at the moment I feel I’m not to sure and feel like I am just getting through everyday with work and tv and with no particular purpose in mind. I know I enjoy helping others, and also travel so that has got me thinking and reflecting on how I could add those into my life a bit more. Would love to know what everyone else’s purposes are?

take care all,

Kayleigh xx

20 lessons I learnt from 2020!

Hey all!

How are we all? I thought with it nearly being the end of 2020 and into a brand new year, today would be a perfect opportunity to reflect on how the year has gone and what I have learnt from 2020, it has been a strange year thats for sure! In this blog, I am going to write about 20 things I have learnt from 2020 that I hope to take into 2021 with me to make it an even better year then 2020:

  • 1) Enjoy the little things: I feel like the pandemic as helped me even more to enjoy the little things, as the year has been very restrictive on what I could do, so I’ve had to learn to enjoy the little things like watching one of my favourite films, enjoying a walk in nature, or baking a cake.
  • 2) Happiness doesn’t have to cost money: I have learnt from this year that having fun can be free and doesn’t always have to involve going out for meals or doing something expensive, its possible to have just as much fun indoors with a nice, homecooked meal and a glass of wine or perhaps a walk outside.
  • 3) Variety is the spice of life: I have learnt from having to self isolate for 10 days this year, that variety really is the spice of life and doing a range of different things and trying new things keeps like exciting. When I first started isolating I thought it was great to be able to stay inside all day watching tv, but the boredom did start to kick in which made me realise how important it is to try new activities as often as possible to keep like interesting. I know with the current pandemic, some things are off the cards but I am trying to try as many new things as I can indoors and also at work. For example, I try different workouts each day that I haven’t done before, and like to try new roles at work.
  • 4) Exercise is so important: I have learnt in 2020 that exercise on a daily basis is so important in order to help with my heath and wellbeing. I love how it makes me feel after doing a workout, it makes me feel happy and get a burst of energy from it. I must admit sometimes it can be difficult to get into the mood to do one, but always remember why I exercise and that usually helps me to get motivated.
  • 5) Never take holidays or travel for granted: Travel and holidays is something I have always enjoyed, and love planning trips whether they are local or abroad trips. I really have missed planning trips, and is something I have really struggled with not being able to do it. I will never take travel for granted, and I know for certain it will be one of the first things I will be doing once this pandemic is over!
  • 6) Don’t save things for special occasions: I feel that if you want to do or have something, you should have it whenever you want rather then trying to wait for the right time. I have learnt from this year that things can happen unexpectedly and each day isn’t guaranteed and may not turn out the way expected, so I feel the time is now and their is certainly no time like the present!
  • 7) Never take time with friends or family for granted: This year I haven’t seen my friends or family as much as I would usually, which I’m sure is the case for many of us. I have learnt its so important to not take seeing friends and family for granted, as soon as I can I am going to meet up with friends and family as much as I can and enjoy every moment!
  • 8)Check in with others: Contact with others is so important for us all. Luckily, I live with my partner but many people live alone and I feel it is so important to check in with others as we all need a chat from time to time and stay connected with others.
  • 9) Be grateful: A new day isn’t guaranteed so every moment I am going to make sure I am fully grateful.
  • 10) Think a positive thought everyday: I think positive thoughts are so important, and I know how easy it is to live a life with negative thoughts. In 2021 my goal is to wake up with a positive thought everyday and take that with me into the day. I feel that thinking positive everyday is so important in me living a happier life with good thoughts.
  • 11) Nature is vital: Nature and outdoor walks are really important to me and really help me to feel happier and more content in life. I try to go for a walk in nature on a weekly basis.
  • 12) Keep learning: Use every opportunity to learn new things in life, This could be by watching a film or documentary on the TV, reading a book, or trying something new at work.
  • 13) Finding our purpose is important: I feel like finding my purpose in life is really important, and regularly like to reflect on my life and find out what is and isn’t serving purpose in my life. I feel life is far to short to spend time on things that don’t matter to us or benefit our life in some way.
  • 14) It is important to enjoy own company: In this pandemic I have stayed inside more then i’ve wanted to, but the benefit of this is I’ve learnt to enjoy my own company which I feel is really important as sometimes we do have to be on our own and I feel is something we should all learn to do.
  • 15) Find out what it is your enjoy: It is important to find things in life we enjoy doing, so we can enjoy everyday!
  • 16) Having a laugh is so important: Never take for granted a good laugh!
  • 17) Enjoy a treat and don’t feel guilty about it: Have that cake and enjoy it! Open that bottle of wine! Have your favourite takeaway! We all need to enjoy a treat sometimes and makes life more exciting.
  • 18) Getting things out of your life that don’t sere purpose is vital.
  • 19) Don’t take one day for granted: Every new day is a blessing, I am going to make sure I am going to make the most of every day in 2021 and not take a moment for granted.
  • 20) Yoga is important: I find yoga really beneficial for my flexibility and also makes me feel good.

What have you learnt from 2020? would love to hear them 🙂

Take care all,

Love Kayleigh x

2021 Happy New Year" photos, royalty-free images, graphics, vectors &  videos | Adobe Stock

Maximize your life today!

Hey all!

How are we all keeping? Hope you are all keeping well.

I wanted to write today about the importance of maximizing your life, as I beleive this is so important as we only get the opportinity to live on this world once, so is so important we try and make the most of it everyday, even though I know this is something difficult!

The most important first step in maximing your life is by working out what it is you want. Finding out what it is we want is sometimes very difficult as their is so much choice out there. The best way to go about this, is by reflecting on a daily basis our wants and goals, even if its just 5 minutes each morning! Reflect on what you want your life to look like, and what you can do today to make that life happen now!

For example, one thing I want out of like is as much travel as possible! In order to work on this everyday, I am saving money which I can use for future travel when this pandemic is over, and regularly look at travel blogs, websites or books to get ideas on where I should travel when I can!

I also make sure I do things I enjoy every single day, such as cooking, reading or watching my favourite tv programme as I think this is so important too as a a way of not taking life serious 100% of the time and taking time out to do the things we enjoy.

I would just like to point out that we should not hold back from working on these things that we want from life, even if they do scare you! As some of them are likely to as they may be out of your comfort zone. For example, as part of mine I would love to go on a holiday by myself. The thought of this really scares me , but I know its something I really want to do so I must make sure I don’t hold back, and instead work on the steps to make it happen!

Another thing I think is really important to remember is that these things should be things that will make us think when we are older ‘ dam I’ve had a good life’. So what are those things that will make you feel like that? You want to make sure you are making decisions and choices in life that will make you feel like that, rather then growing up with regrets and wishing you did more things. No one wants to grow up with doubts and regrets, because unfortunately we cant rewind time and relive again. Our time is right now.

Hope you enjoyed reading my blog today- please do let me know what your things are in life that you want in order to maximize your life, would love to hear them 🙂

Much Love, Kayleigh xx

65 Amazing Quotes from Designing your life by Bill Burnett

Do what makes you happy!

Are you doing the things that make you happy? | Kenny Santos

Thought I’d keep todays blog short and sweet, but just wanted to remind all you lovely people to do what makes you happy! I understand in life that sometimes we all have to do things that at the time we dont want to do or do things that wont make us happy, but at all times be mindful with the choices you are making, and try to choose the one that will make you happier whenever you can. Life is made of many choices, be sure to make the right one each day 🙂

much love,

Kayleigh xx

Things to do for a successful life!

Hey everyone!

Today I’m going to write a short blog about how we can all live a more successful life by adding small things to our lives everyday! These notes are from a recent podcast I listened to, and felt the need to share with others as I found it really beneficial!

  1. Take life as it is each day- Be more accepting towards how our day is going
  2. live in the present moment- try not to worry about what’s going to happen in an hours time or what happened two days ago, try to focus on what is happening right at this very moment. Much easier said then done, I know.
  3. Read and learn something new everyday- Knowledge is power! Even if its just one chapter of a book each day, try and read something everyday.
  4. Do two things you don’t want to do everyday- challenge yourself to do two things each day that you don’t really feel like doing, these don’t have to be big things they can be very little things, such as emptying the dishwasher or doing your exercise for the day.
  5. Be grateful for the very little things- this can be the very little things in life, such as the rain when we are in our cosy living rooms, or our lovely dinner! This one is so important in order to cherish and enjoy every moment in out lives!
  6. Don’t stress about things you cant change- this is just a waste of your energy! Instead work on the present moment and things you do have control over!
  7. Only do things you can do in that day- I know we try to cram as much into one day as we can and work on multiple things at one time, I certainly do! Try and slow down and accept that you cant do everything in one day, as the saying goes ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day!’.
  8. Make an hourly schedule- try and plan your day out in order to get more things done and have productive day
Five Precious Tips To Help You Get Better At Living A Happy And Successful  Life

Putting 1% into our goals each day

Hey all, how are we all today?

So thought I’d start this blog with just a little update from yesterdays blog, in regards to feeling in a really anxious and down mood due to an important event coming up, which I had this morning. I woke up feeling nervous, and whilst I was doing it was nervous too but gave it my 100% effort, and felt a huge weight off my shoulder once it was over with and then treated myself to a nice chilled out evening watching my favourite shows, reading my favourite book and enjoying a hot choc and biscuits (was going to costa for one originally, but then decided instead I’d stay at home in the warm and get cosy in the house whilst also saving some money).

So I guess the message in that update is to not give into the fear, and do it anyway as you will feel much better once its over with and can then reward yourself for being brave! Without further ado, now onto todays blog! 🙂

putting 1% effort in everyday

For todays blog, I would like to write about a recent podcast I listened to about putting 1% effort into our goals/ desires each day. This basically means putting a little (1%) amount of effort into our goals each day, as realistically they can’t be 100% met in a day but instead overtime will get better and improve.

Basically, where we are today is based on habits and traits that we started 6 months ago, even if its just 10 minutes of your time each day and then over time you will see results. But think if you did it just for one day, nothing would be achieved, as like any goals it takes time and patience to reach results, and its all about being consistent with it and working on it in little chunks each day.

So lets put this into prospective. One of the examples I would like to use from my life is exercise. I exercise every day as a way of getting a healthier body and mind. Sometimes I only do 30 minutes a day, where as sometimes I do an hour it just depends on what kind of day I’m having. Over time, I have noticed my body is in better shape and I have a more positive mind and feel healthier in general.

Other 1% daily goals I use are:

Yoga: I do yoga everyday, usually just 10 minutes a way of having a healthier mind and is a good way to cool down after exercise. I’m not very good at it at the moment, but know if I work on in a little bit everyday, in 6 months time I will be better

Meditation: I meditate everyday as a way of being more in the present moment everyday. I usually do just 10 minutes as struggle to find the time, and find myself usually drifting into my thoughts when I try to do it, but again I know overtime I will improve and get better if I stay in the habit of doing a little of it everyday!

reading a chapter of my book everyday: I struggle to find the time to read, so decide to aim to read a chapter everyday which is manageable for me. I like to read as a way of keeping my mind active and learn new things everyday.

Your goal now is to think of some things that you can do in little chunks everyday as a way of developing into a person you want to become, happy goal setting!

Take care all,

love from Kayleigh xx

Leadership Quote – Success is the Sum of Small Efforts

One of those meh days…

Hey guys, how are we all today?

Today has been a bit of a tough day so far, my mood hasn’t been great and have been quite down and anxious. I think this may be due to feeling anxious about an important event I have on tomorrow- I’m really hoping that once its over and done with my anxiety levels will improve and my mood will be more positive as it hasn’t been over the last few days unfortunately.

Its been one of those days where I’ve not managed to get dressed yet, and still in my dressing gown and pj’s and not even had anything to eat yet! I guess the point of this blog is to vent some negative vibes out, but also to show you all that its okay to have down days and ones that aren’t very productive and we dont always have to be happy and have everything together!

Even though I just feel like curling up on the sofa right now and go to sleep all day, I’m not going to do that and am going to challenge myself to be as positive as I can. I’m going to make myself some food in a minute as my belly is starting to rumble, then going to go for a walk to get some air.

The aim is then to do prepare a little for my big event tomorrow, but not to much as I don’t want to make myself anymore anxious then I already am! I’m then going to do something I enjoy, like reading my book or watching a feel good rom com film before getting a nice early night ready for an early start tomorrow morning.

I have decided that as a treat once my event has finished tomorrow, I’m going to treat myself to some me time and go to costa and try one of their new festive hot drinks out and read some of my book with a slice of cake. Not going to lie, I very nearly backed out of the event I have tomorrow as I’m feeling that anxious and worried about it, but as part of my getting out of my comfort zone challenge I have stayed determined to not back out of it, and instead just go for it, and then challenge myself even more by going to a coffee shop on my own!

Although doing this is making me super nervous, I know deep down working through these challenges is going to benefit me in the long run and help me a grow as a person.

I know times are tough for us all in one way or another at the moment- so I just want to remind whoever is reading that I am always here if anyone wants to chat whether I know them or not, as I really believe a problem shared is a problem halved and none of us should have to go through difficult times alone. I am only even an inbox away.

Lots of love as always, Kayleigh xx